Today we were over the moon when we found out that our new songs Ghosts and Nightwatch, are highly commended in the Qld Music Awards 2015 and our new single Enfants du Chemin (Children of the Road) is a finalist in the QMA World music category!
Thanks to Pix of Pix Studios, Robin Mai, and Ross Cockle for helping us record, mix and master these songs, and to all our kind supporters who made the album possible.
Congratulations to Linsey Pollak and the Mrs Curly crew and Alan and Kristin Kelly and The Barleyshakes who are also both finalists in the QMA World music category. They, and so many other musicians we work with have generously shared lots of musical wisdom with us over the years. You can listen to all the QMA Finalists music here (and play them at the same time & mash ’em up).
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